This page has been created to acknowledge Local, Domestic, & International Vendors who will be making a festive time along with a Food Court, Wine Tasting & Specialty Drinks at our

Easter/Earth Day Weekend, April 19-20, 2025:

featured engagement hosted by World ViewZ Media. 

Vendors Benefits

We will have more than 800 guests interested in 5-6 meals each over the weekend with 4,ooo to 4,8oo meals and drinks for all the food & specialty drink vendors.

During intermission, we will have a DJ in the lobby for ambiance, food truck vendors, specialty drink vendors, and book signings. Each vendor has a 6-ft. table and two chairs, a purple tablecloth, and two assigned seating tickets to the event (in the upper right or left Mezzanine Balcony). There will be easy access to the Lobby ahead of the crowds.

Click to view & book: Indoor Vendors 8ft Table $550 / Both $750 / Concession Stand $1250 / Food Truck or Outdoor Vendors $300

Each Indoor Vendor 8ft. table, two chairs, and a purple tablecloth. Booths have an 8ft table flanked with 2 - 6 ft tables, 3 tablecloths, and 2 chairs. Electrical outlets are accessible. We can provide electric cords when notified in advance via email to the floor manager Joseph at

  • Table at the event for 2.5 days

  • Fri evening, All day Sat & Sun anticipating a full house

  • You will be represented on our vendor’s page with your logo and hyperlink which will be shared with all attendees.

  • Tickets to the event are not included and must be purchased separately if you plan to attend the event.

  • We reserve the right to turn away any vendors for any reason.

Click to view & book: Outdoor Vendors 10x10 Space or Food Truck space $300

  • Great for Food trucks / Food related Vendors / Specialty Drinks

  • You provide your tables and canopies on the outdoor market. Electrical outlets are accessible.

  • Table for the event for 2.5 days Friday 6-10 pm, Saturday 2-11 pm, Sunday 10 am-7 pm

  • Fri evening, All day Sat & Sun anticipating a full house of 800

  • You will be represented on our vendor’s page with your logo and hyperlink which will be shared with all attendees

  • We reserve the right to turn away any vendors for any reason.

Thank you in advance for supporting the vendors online & at our events.

Global Travel Exchange

Global Travel Exchange

Sedona Amulets World Class Artistry by Kevin Petrilli

Sedona Amulets World Class Artistry by Kevin Petrilli