Erich von Daniken 22 minute interview by Robert Dakota
Earth Origins 2020 event promo 4 mins
Erich von Däniken`s topics of the speech series
The inscriptions on the Temple of Edfu/Egypt and it`s comparisons with the 2nd Book of the Kings in the Bible – The newest discoveries inside the great pyramid. Sumerologist translates a 4300 Year old Sumerian text and finds proofs for an extra-terrestrial contact. Was there a war in heaven?
The mysterious sarcophagus of Sechemhet of the 3rd dynasty. Did extra-terrestrials have sex with humans? Why should ET`s look similar to us? Are we just the offspring of an extra-terrestrial species? Did the gods create the humans „according to their own image»? – Which gods? And what about the distances between the stars – is it possible to travel in the universe?
The desert in Nazca, Peru, with it`s lines and pictures is not alone anymore. Similar designs were found in other continents. And all-over the humans created gigantic pictures of such over dimensional size, that they can be seen only from the air. Erich von Däniken shows pictures taken over Nazca, which were never published. Incredible material! Eye-openers for every sceptic. And of course, the designs on earth have to do with old writings.
The tomb stone of Palenque, Mexico, was always interpreted in an classical archaeological manner. Now the two best epigraphs (translators) of the Mayan writings, the professors Steward and Steward (Father and son) present a new translation. Pacal, the 2nd last ruler of Palenque, is really flying out to the universe. And everything is linked to the flying <Vimanas> in ancient India, the winged Gods in ancient Egypt or the biblical descriptions about their chariots of the gods.
What is the <Serapheum> under the desert of Sakkara? What was really inside the gigantic Sarcophaguses, found in the <Serapheum>? Where there living chimaeras in ancient Egypt, as Maneto and other historians of the antiquity says? Which gods manipulated the DNA of some animals? And why?
Was Cheops, the Pharao of the IV. Dynasty, the Father of the great pyramid? Where does the name <Cheops> come from? Some old documents suggest, the true builder of the great pyramid was a king with the name of <Saurid>, but <Saurid> is the same figure, which the Hebrew call <Enoch>. He was the 7th patriarch before the great flood and he was in very close contact with extra-terrestrials, which he called „guardians of the sky“. Enoch is the main witness oft the past. He even quotes the names of his extra-terrestrial teachers. Will we find the missing books of Enoch somewhere in the great pyramid?
Erich von Däniken shows the newest discoveries inside and under the pyramid. With incredible computer animations the audience will be transported into a world thousands of years in the past. Erich debunks the so called <vision> of the biblical Prophet Ezechiel and prove clearly, what happened to Ezechiel in reality.
And the gods of antiquity will return. This will be the shock for mankind. The gods left many signs in the past. But our society is unwilling to see them.
What happened 1917 in Fatima, Portugal? Why are even the Popes not telling the truth concerning Fatima?
Erich von Däniken has 200`000 Pictures of every mysterious place in his archives. He has publised 39 books concerning the visit of ET`s in the deep past of mankind. Since his first book CHARIOTS OF THE GODS in 1968, Erich von Däniken has become the number one in his field. And he makes it absolutely clear: This planet was visited by ET`s in the past. Our stone age ancestors looked at these visitors as “the gods“. A mistake – which created mythologies and religions.
Biography of Erich von Däniken
Erich von Däniken April 14, 1935 Zofingen, Switzerland
During his formative years at the renowned Collège St-Michel in Fribourg, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken immersed himself in ancient holy writings and unsolved archaeological puzzles. As a young gastronome, he began writing topic-related articles before eventually authoring his international best seller Chariots of the Gods. Erich von Däniken has held countless lectures and discussions at public forums and educational institutions. His 40 books have sold over 72 million copies and have been translated into 32 languages.
His bestselling books, Chariots of the Gods and Mysteries of the Gods have inspired two documentary films. The Baden-Baden-based television station Sudwestrundfunk filmed a three-part documentary on Erich von Däniken’s works.
In 1993, Erich von Däniken moderated a 25-part television series on SAT-I, Germans biggest TV-Station. Its success kept it in broadcast twice a month for a whole year.
In 1996, the US television network ABC produced a $1.2 million dollar documentary with Erich von Däniken. The German station RTL broadcast the film throughout Europe that the same year. With 4.57 million viewers, the show reached the highest audience rating on every channel. In total, 69% of the viewers were under 50 years of age. Even the rerun event on May 1, 1997 attracted 3.17 million viewers.
The world’s largest public broadcaster, ARD, produced a 1998 documentary about Erich von Däniken and in February of 2001, the British television station Twenty-Twenty also made a biography about Erich von Däniken. It was first broadcast on Channel 4 and has since travelled throughout the world. In 2009, the US television channel History began a groundbreaking series about Erich von Däniken’s hypotheses entitled Ancient Aliens. The series received the highest audience rating History has ever received. This success launched continued filming and by March of 2018, this series will boast a total of 150 shows while running in many languages throughout the world.
Erich von Däniken has received many honours throughout the years. Including an honorary doctorate (Dr.h.c.) from the University of Bolivia (1975), as well as honorary citizenship from the city of Nazca, which gained notoriety through its mysterious lines and carvings. In the fall of 1987, he became an honorary member of the Cordon bleu du Saint-Esprit order together with the German astronaut Ulf Merbold. Erich von Däniken received the Premio Lourenço Filho in gold and platinum in Brazil. (Lurenço Filho was a Brazilian educator comparable to the Swiss Heinrich Pestalozzi).
In 2004, the World Explorer’s Club awarded Erich von Däniken with the World Explorer Prize. The ceremony was held at the University of Lodz in Poland.
On April 8, 2013, the Brazilian metropolis of Curitba honoured Erich von Däniken for his entire body of work on unsolved mysteries from the past.
And the science...
Year after year, Erich von Däniken’s ideas gain more momentum in scientific circles. For example, the Nobel Prize holder Francis Crick published a book, Life Itself (Piper Verlag), where he states “Life on earth began in the form of micro-organisms that were sent into space towards Earth by a higher civilisation billions of years ago with an unmanned rocket.”
Together with the mathematics genius Nalin Chandra Wickramasinghe, the world-famous British astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle published the work Evolution from Space (Ullstein-Verlag), where the scientists support the idea that life was not created on earth and Darwinian theories should be amended. In reality, mutations came from intelligent lifeforms from space. Erich von Däniken initially proposed these same ideas in his 1977 work According to the Evidence (Chapter 5).
In the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, No. 36, Dr. Robert A. Freitas from the Xenology Research Institute (Sacramento, California) suggested a new research project by the name of SETA. In contrast to the existing project SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence), SETA (Search for Extra-terrestrial Artefacts) would research evidence of extra-terrestrials in our solar system. This is the precisely what Erich von Däniken has done for 50 years.
The Russian scientist Dr. Vladimir V. Rubtsov suggested in 1980 at a symposium in Kaliga that a new branch of science by the name of Palaeovisitology be created. This new field describes extra-terrestrial visits in geological and prehistoric times.
At the 33rd conference of the International Astronautical Federation, held in Paris from September 27 to October 2, 1982, Dr. Michael Papagiannis, astronomer at the Boston University, suggested searching for traces of extraterrestrial intelligence in the asteroid belt: “We would look pretty stupid to future generations if we would continue to search for extra-terrestrial civilisations on far-distant stars while the answer could be found here directly in our solar system.”
In 1985, the first scientific anthology about Erich von Däniken’s topics appeared (Aus Den Tiefen Des Alles - From the Depths of Space - Grabert/Hohenrain-Verlag). The following scientists provided contributions for this:
-Dr. Luis Navia, Philosophy Professor at the New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA
-Dr. Philip A. Ianna, Astronomy Professor at the University of Virginia, USA
-Dr. Harry O. Ruppe, Aerospace Engineering Professor at the Technical University Munich
-Prof. Dr. Sir Fred Hoyle, Astrophysics Professor, Great Britain
-Dr. Francis H.C. Crick, Nobel Prize holder and Microbiology Professor, San Diego
-Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanjilal, Sanskrit Professor at the Calcutta Sanskrit College, Calcutta, India
In the meantime, hundreds of book titles about Erich von Däniken’s ideas exist throughout the world by a multitude of authors. Countless television series and films are based on his thoughts, such as Stargate and Prometheus.
In general it can be concluded that despite criticism from conservative chairs, the science community is warming up to Erich von Däniken’s ideas more and more. Erich von Däniken is already no longer capable of fulfilling the countless requests for lectures and discussions.
That is why Erich von Däniken holds more and more lectures in closed societies like the Lions, the Kiwanis, the Rotarians, international corporations, banks and lodges. The Masonic Grand Lodge Grande Oriente Do Parana honoured Erich von Däniken in April of 2013 for his courageous life’s work in the city of Curitiba/Brazil.
Erich von Däniken is a member of the Swiss Pen-Club and the Swiss Writer's Guild. He is a co-founder of the association for Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI (AAS), a non-profit association that deals with his topics. He also founded the Mystery Park in Interlaken, Switzerland and wrote all the texts for it. (Today: Jungfrau-Park).
In June 2018 EvD was the Special-Guest at the AlienCon in Pasadena, USA. This gigantic 3-day-convention was produced by the US History Channel. As „Godfather of Ancient Alien Theory“ Erich von Däniken was welcomed by 24 000 fans with Standing Ovations.
Books from Erich von Däniken
1968 Erich von Däniken’s first book appeared, CHARIOT'S OF THE GODS. This caused a worldwide breakout of “Dänikenitis” as The New York Times wrote.
1969 His second book, RETURN TO THE STARS, was published. This book was on the best seller lists throughout the world within two weeks.
1972 The Gold of the Gods appeared with an extract from a large world trip.
1973 Erich von Däniken was the first author of his kind to introduce the visual objects of his theory in the illustrated book MEINE WELT IN BILDERN. Sceptics started listening.
1974 The author appeared to take a step from the beaten path with his book ERSCHEINUNGEN. In all reality, this was just a stepping stone for his theory.
1977 After nearly three years of work, Erich von Däniken introduced his book ACCORDING TO THE EVIDENCE. The circumstantial evidence amazed opponents and opened new dimensions.
1978 ERICH VON DÄNIKEN IM KREUZVERHÖR appeared. With this book, the author gave 194 answers to sample questions from his readers around the world.
1979 Däniken paid homage to the title that the publicist Rolf R. Bigler gave him in the successful PROPHET DER VERGANGENHEIT and also confirmed the sentence from Bigler: “Erich von Däniken is always in season.”
1981 With THE STONES OF KIRIBATI, Däniken set new milestones: the research product of his expeditions resulted in an adventurous idea that “normal mortals” would never have.
1982 What Däniken presented in the GODS AND THEIR GRAND DESIGN is a product of years of searching: Gods deposited traces and visible signs of their former presence.
1983 ICH LIEBE DIE GANZE WELT (Ullstein Verlag) is the first booklet with lively and conceived bright stories penned by Erich von Däniken.1984 DER TAG AN DEM DIE GÖTTER KAMEN - 11. AUGUST 3114 V.CHR. After ten titles with the Econ-Verlag, the new Erich von Däniken title appears for the first time with Bertelsmann.
1985 HABE ICH MICH GEIRRT? (New Reminders of the Future) appeared. With a brave look into the future, Erich von Däniken forms a bridge to the remote past. An actual continuation of ERlNNERUNGEN AN DIE ZUKUNFT.
1987 WIR ALLE SIND KINDER DER GÖTTER came on the market. Where does life come from? Where do humans come from? A book that is well received by critics and readers.
1989 THE EYES OF SPHINX. The first book from Erich von Däniken that deals exclusively with the old country on the Nile (Bertelsmann).
1990 DIE SPUREN DER AUSSER-IRDISCHEN. After 17 years, Erich von Däniken releases another illustrated book (featuring 280 images). The book deals with the entire topic of extra-terrestrials in the remote past. (Bertelsmann).
1991 DIE STEINZEIT WAR GANZ ANDERS. An exciting non-fiction book about prehistoric history. Dolmen, menhir and megalith creations are examined. (Bertelsmann).
1991 DIE RÄTSEL IM ALTEN EUROPA. This is the first book from Erich von Däniken for the youth of the world. Written for children between 11 and 18 years old. (Bertelsmann).
1992 DER GÖTTER-SCHOCK. A travel thru time from the remote past to the present. (Bertelsmann).
1993 Two books inspired the television series SAT-I: RAUMFAHRT IM ALTERTUM and AUF DEN SPUREN DER ALLMÄCHTIGEN.
1993 Erich von Däniken published the archaeological novel DAS ERBE VON KUKUKLAN. (Bertelsmann).
1995 DER JÜNGSTE TAG HAT LÄNGST BEGONNEN. (Bertelsmann). Erich von Däniken analyses the Messiah ideas and the Parousia of the gods.
1997 ZEICHEN FÜR DIE EWIGKEIT explores the puzzle of Nazca. Despite all theories, the secrets of Nazca are still unsolved. Erich von Däniken delivers 150 new images and a convincing theory. (Bertelsmann).
1999 Odyssey of the Gods (Career Press). A fresh observation of Greek mythology and the Atlantis description from Platon.
2001 THE GODS WERE ASTRONAUTS. Evidence of the True Identities of the Old “Gods” (Bertelsmann).
2002 Erich von Däniken amazes with his exciting non-fiction novel DIE SELTSAME GESCHICHTE VON XIXLI UND YUM. (Edition Othello).
2003 The first volume of experienced and conceived short stories appears: FÜR HUNDERT FRANKEN DIE GANZE WELT (Edition Othello).
2005 The illustrated book MYSTERIES appears. The only book where German and English texts are next to each other. (Order:
2006 Erich von Däniken presented TOMY and the planet of Lies, a novel story with strongly autobiographic traits (Tantor media)
2007 History is wrong (Career Press) Erich von Däniken's best creation in decades. A non-fiction book filled with information about the antediluvian Prophet Henoch and an underground metal library in Ecuador.
2009 TWILIGHT OF THE GODS - THE MAYAN CALENDAR AND THE RETURN OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS. (Career Press). Erich von Däniken shows phenomenal pictures above Puma-Punku, Bolivia, and proves the ruins are definitely not from Stone Age man. Will the gods return? Yes, Erich von Däniken verifies: “A Judgement Day of realisation lies ahead.”
2009 In November, the Chinese publishing company GOLD WALL PRESS purchased the rights to all Däniken titles.
2010 The first part of a five-volume project follows: Evidence of the Gods – A visual tour of Alien influence in the Ancient World (Career Press)
Erich von Däniken emphasises his knowledge with 194 powerful images.
2011 The American History Channel produces a 130-piece series by the title of ANCIENT ALIENS. This deals with Erich von Däniken and his theories.
2011 What is wrong in Maya-land? (to be published by Inner Traditions in 2017) Volume II of the planned five-piece collection. The most recent interpretations of the Mayan temples and sculptures Featuring 212 images.
2012 Remants of the Gods – A visual tour of Alien influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey and Italy. Volume III Deals with geometric plans of megalithic constructions around the Mediterranean Sea. (Career Press)
IV of the planned five-piece work. Erich von Däniken dissects the South American puzzle and shows breathtaking new images above Nazca.
2014 DAS UNHEILIGE BUCH. Volume V of the richly illustrated serieon gods.
2014 The end of Silence. (Order: Erich von Däniken first ebook. A long overdue broadside against non-objective critics.
2015 WAS ICH SEIT JAHRZEHNTEN VERSCHWIEGEN HABE Spectacular eyewitness reports and the revealing of insider information
In honour of Erich von Däniken's 80th birthday, Kopp Verlag re-designed 18 best-sellers into a complete work. 2015 DER GROSSE INTERNATIONALE ERICH VON DÄNIKEN KONGRESS – DVD.
Renowned speakers inspire 3000 guests at Erich von Däniken's big birthday event (April 11, 2015).
2015 Additional new editions emerge: -DIE SELTSAME GESCHICHTE VON XIXLI UND YUM – A novel.
-THE GODS WERE ASTRONAUTS – Evidence of the True Identities of the old “Gods” 2017
The Gods Never Left Us – new Memories of the future. EvD describes his 40th book as the continuation, part two, of his first bestseller Chariots of the Gods.
Voices from the science world about Erich von Däniken's theories:
"Erich von Däniken's hypothesis will have an increasing effect on society, science, literature and art. Furthermore, he contributes to the solution to terrestrial problems. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a concern that affects all of humanity."(Dr. Vladimir Avinsky, Geologist, Kuibyschew, Russia)
"This theory throws more light on the gathered documents about early human history than some other explanatory hypotheses. With this you have an extraordinary tool in your hands and you can detect the common theme throughout the confusing labyrinth of human development on this planet."(Dr. Luis E. Navia, Professor for Philosophy, New York Institute of Technology)
"It is possible that extraterrestrials visited our home planet in the past."(Dr. Harry O. Ruppe, Professor for Aerospace Technology, TU Munich)
"Throughout the entire history of the Earth and life up to the time of historical records, the traces of extraterrestrial intelligence on our planet are clear. It is a great task to detect the true backgrounds of countless historical puzzles and to reconsider the early history of humanity." (Dr. Johannes Fiebag [+], Geologist, Bad Neustadt, Germany)
"Old Indian texts clearly prove that the Earth was visited and influenced by extraterrestrials in the distant past.
(Prof. Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanjilal, Professor for Sanskrit and Indology at the Sancrit College, Calcutta, India )
Voices from the science world about Erich von Däniken's theories:
"Erich von Däniken's hypothesis will have an increasing effect on society, science, literature and art. Furthermore, he contributes to the solution to terrestrial problems. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a concern that affects all of humanity." (Dr. Vladimir Avinsky, Geologist, Kuibyschew, Russia)
"This theory throws more light on the gathered documents about early human history than some other explanatory hypotheses. With this you have an extraordinary tool in your hands and you can detect the common theme throughout the confusing labyrinth of human development on this planet."(Dr. Luis E. Navia, Professor for Philosophy, New York Institute of Technology)
"It is possible that extraterrestrials visited our home planet in the past."(Dr. Harry O. Ruppe, Professor for Aerospace Technology, TU Munich)
"Throughout the entire history of the Earth and life up to the time of historical records, the traces of extraterrestrial intelligence on our planet are clear. It is a great task to detect the true backgrounds of countless historical puzzles and to reconsider the early history of humanity." (Dr. Johannes Fiebag [+], Geologist, Bad Neustadt, Germany)
"Old Indian texts clearly prove that the Earth was visited and influenced by extraterrestrials in the distant past. (Prof. Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanjilal, Professor for Sanskrit and Indology at the Sancrit College, Calcutta, India )