Click here to learn more about Brian Hornbeck currently resides in Arizona offering a variety of online courses for herbal preventative medicines, along with natural products. He is a great resource for for anyone interested in holistic healing through Sacred Paths and herbal medicines.
Sacred Medicines ~ Sacred Paths
Gifts from Mother Earth bring us health, balance and radiance, in Body Mind and Spirit. The use of these gifts allow us to remember our connection to everything.
When seeking help from herbal medicines, the seekers look to find "what Herb is good for this...." to treat their physical ailment. Searching for a new "pill" in lieu of the old. As a Traditional Healer, I don't treat diseases, I treat people by analyzing their energetic state and finding herbs that can bring balance. Frequently I find that "problems" are disconnection from spirit and the individual's spirit ripped apart by trauma. I want to share a bit about how the plants can aid us in reconnecting with spirit and healing traumas.
For the past 30 years I have been working with, treating people with and teaching others about Medicinal plants.
My passion for the preservation of Traditional Medicine has allowed me to share knowledge internationally and work with amazing Earth-based Healers from around the world.
I have extensive experience with both eastern and western Herbs and spent more than 20 years working closely with indigenous healers in Mexico.
I tend to teach from my experience and want to share my unique perspective in the use of Plants as Medicine. The mixture of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classic Western Herbalism and Curanderismo makes for some fun stories and a deep insight into the Mother Earth's Pharmacy.
From my website