Earth Origins 2020 II Eva Charlotte "Rise In Love with Mother Ayahuasca" 10.08.20 6pm MST
Earth Origins 2020 II Eva Charlotte "Rise In Love with Mother Ayahuasca" 10.08.20 6pm MST
Eva Charlotte will be joining us live from Ecuador for a refreshing conversation on Mother Ayahuasca, her healing properties and what to look for when seeking out authentic healers connected with plant medicines. She has been on many journeys to remote regions of the world with authentic medicine healers, and discovered herself as One in the process.
Join us Wed. 10.08.20 6pm MST Sedona Time
Eva Charlotte Larsson Ruiz is an international keynote speaker, trainer, guide and facilitator who profoundly impacts people with her engaging presence and message. As a Peacemaker and Presence Preceptor, she functions as a catalyst for transformation; guiding groups and individuals to experience authentic love of self and life, and the happiness that comes from stripping away personal stories, beliefs, and falsehoods that shield people from their true selves.
Eva Charlotte is passionate about Peace, starting with inner peace within each of us and leading to outer peace in our families, communities, countries and globally. She collaborates with indigenous peace and wisdom keepers, as well as peace ambassadors from all walks of life in reawakening our innate inner presence and peace.
For more than 25 years she has been working worldwide with individuals, groups and corporations mentoring, speaking, holding seminars and leading journeys... but most of all holding space for transformation to occur.
‘Eva Charlotte’ means ‘the giver of life, inviting you to set yourself free’.
She further combines her many years consulting for businesses and working with executives, with her unique expertise, to create powerful programs that enhance company culture and the bottom line.
EC website: