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We have a great line-up for EO VI - Sacha Stone, William Henry, Freddy Silva, Randall Carlson, Martin Gray, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Kevin Petrilli, and 4 Pueblo messengers Grandfather Malava, Ruben Saufkie, Bertram Tsavadawa, Clive Hustito, Ron Regehr, Lyn Buchanan, Dave Emery, and Marina Smirnova are the speakers this year.

Join us in this journey of discovery and enlightenment, where ancient wisdom meets modern seekers, all in the enchanting embrace of Sedona. Here, you will not just witness the beauty of nature; you will become a part of it, evolving and growing with every breath in this sacred land.

By attending "Earth Origins VI: you'll gain more than just relaxation and peace. This event is a gateway to understanding the deeper layers of your consciousness, tapping into energy sources that rejuvenate both body and spirit. You'll leave with a heightened sense of self-awareness, a deeper connection with the environment, and an enriched perspective on the interplay between energy, consciousness, and the natural world.


Fri. Night April 19th – Day one

Doors open in the Vendor’s Lobby at 3:30 pm

3:30 pm to 6:00 pm / Vendors and book signings in the Lobby

4pm-5:30pm VVIP & VIP Meet & Greet Dinner

Doors Open to Seating 5:30 pm

  • 6:00 pm -6:15 pm Event intro

  • 6:15-7:30 pm / Randall Carlson Plasma Energy Updates and latest Developments

  • 7:30 -8:00 pm Break

  • 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm / The Sacred Site Slide Show of Martin Gray

    A Group Shamanic Event: Since ancient times, sacred sites have been a powerful attraction for billions of people worldwide. Legends and contemporary reports tell of people's extraordinary experiences while visiting these magical places. Different sites can heal the body, enlighten the mind, and inspire the heart. What is the key to the mystery of these sacred sites, and how are we to explain their enduring power?

    In this slide show, Martin will discuss the mythology, archaeology, and history of sacred sites and present a fascinating explanation of the miraculous phenomena that occur at them. Featuring 200 of Martin's most beautiful sacred site photographs - changing every 15 seconds - the slide show simultaneously functions as a group shamanic event, with images of different sacred sites resonating with different people during the slide show.

    Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist and National Geographic photographer specializing in studying pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites worldwide. During forty years, he has traveled extensively in 165 countries to visit more than 2000 of human civilization's most celebrated holy places. His books include Geography of Religion, Sacred Earth, Secret Sacred Sites, and Sacred Life. His beautifully illustrated World Pilgrimage Guide website at sacredsites.com is a comprehensive source of information on these subjects and has had hundreds of millions of visitors. 

  • 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm / Vendors and Authors Book signings

Saturday April 20th – Day Two

Doors open in the Vendor’s Lobby at 8:00 am

Doors Open to Seating 8:30 am

9:00 am to 10:15 am / Kevin Petrilli Earth Energies & Galactic Changes Omni-Energetic Coherence: Earth Energies in and From Form: Coherence; is the mutual relationship between sets of electromagnetic or sound waves in which their amplitudes are exactly equivalent and rise and fall together. Kevin will be sharing his deep experience with tuning to Earth’s energies and the great galactic cycle that we are going through a this time. Kevin is a master alchemist who transforms precious metals, gems, crystals, and stones, into magical tuning devices for the human being. He will share how his Kiva made of huge stones is a tuning device for the human body.

  • 10:15am-10:30am /Break

  • 10:30 am to 12:00 pm /Marguerite Rigoglioso Energy, Consciousness & the Sexual Healing of Humanity

    In this presentation, award-winning author Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., shares provocative new layers of Earth's origin history as it relates to human sexuality and what is needed for the healing of this vital area of our energy and consciousness. 

    What did the mystics of the Sophia-Christos mission 2000 years ago know about the sexual invasion of planet Earth by non-terrestrial forces? How has this attack on our angelic human nature affected our bodies, minds, and spirits ~ and our race as a whole? How has this led to the war of the sexes, relationship misery, and sexual distortions ~ including abuse, trafficking, porn programming, gender confusion, forced breeding agendas, and negative rituals? Most importantly, how is this understanding an ultimately empowering part of our conscious awakening, and how can we clear ourselves of this miasma so we may reclaim our full-force erotic energy once more? Expect to receive mind-opening codes and a healing experience together.

Lunch / 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm with Meal Ticket

  • 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm / William Henry PLASMA TECHNOLOGY,  PLASMA BEINGS AND THE PLASMA UNIVERSE Whether in the form of healing wands or lightning vajras, crowns, robes, thrones or chariots of light, the ancients believed the awakened human has wielded the power of plasma and encode this belief in art and story. William Henry takes you on an astonishing journey to the ancient world in search of the secrets of the sacred science of plasma technology and plasma beings capable of projecting their consciousness throughout multiple dimensions simultaneously while creating any kind of body they may choose to inhabit (but especially choosing female ones). This mysterious “cosmic species” is hidden in many of the world’s religious and mythological traditions. Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)? The journey begins here. 
    Break / 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm

  • 3:30 pm to 5 pm / Freddy Silva TRANSFORMERS: The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples.

    People have been visiting sacred places for thousands of years to experience special types of energy, to heal, or to reach higher states of consciousness. But how exactly does the process work? How do ancient temples gather energy and how does it interact with the human body?

    In this presentation, we shall explore the so-called navels of the Earth, how ancient cultures sensed these hotspots, how they marked them, and the techniques now available in modern technology to detect telluric currents — those forces in sacred places that influence our sense of perception and allow a more direct connection with the subtle universe.
    Dinner / 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm with Meal Ticket

  • 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm / Sacha Stone New Earth

Break / 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm

  • 8:30 pm to10:30pm / Speaker Panel Discussion w/ Q&A Sacha Stone, Freddy Silva, Randall Carlson, William Henry, Martin Gray, Earth & the significance of Sacred Sites

  • 10:30 pm to 12:00 am / Book signings with Authors

    • Social Meet and Greet 

Sunday April 21st – Day Three

Doors open in the Vendor’s Lobby at 8:00 am

Doors Open to Seating 8:30 am

9:00 am to 10:15 am / Lyn Buchanan In my time and work as a U.S. military remote viewer and unit trainer in the U.S. military's Controlled Remote Viewing unit, we did intelligence collection exercises and skills training on ancient historic sites to find out true histories vs theorized histories.  We did much more work on human consciousness, which is the topic that I feel is most important.  A presentation about human consciousness with illustrations of our work on ancient history and human origins, and of course, information about the remote viewing work we did in the military would be my topic.

Break / 10:15 am to 10:30 am

10:30 am to 11:15 am / Marina Smirnova PhD "On Reality-Shattering Experiences: Conscious Preparation, Experience, and Integration." It tends to the integration-oriented needs expressed by many people, covering the maps and the territories of the experiential exploration of consciousness, weaving in the work by David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD; John E. Mack, MD; Stan Grof, MD, Ph.D.; and Joseph Campbell.

11:15 am to 12:00 pm / Cynthia Olivera is a Wisdom Teacher, author of the book Anointing: A Divine Rebellious Act of Love, and the Educational Director at Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils. Cynthia, a sacred muse, teaches people to use medicinal essences to help shift old paradigms and patterns for dynamic self-healing and self-love.

Lunch / 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm with Meal Ticket

  • 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm / Panel Sacha Stone, Grandfather Malava, Clive Hustito, Bertram Tsavadawa, Ron Regehr, Star Beings, ETs, UFO encounters
    Break / 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm Vendors in the Lobby Lounge

  • Dinner /5:00 pm to 6:30 pm with Meal Ticket

  • 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm / John Dumas Dreamtime Concert A Musical Voyage into the Heart

    Sound Healing Bath & Group Drum Circle Celebration encore Finally! to Martin Gray’s Secret Sacred Sites.

  • We are inviting attendees to bring their drum or rattle to participate in a group shamanic event and build the energy together.

John Dumas is a rare talent who combines musical precision and storytelling with an intuitive response to the heart’s calling of his audience. His utilization of, didgeridoo, flutes, rattles, handpan, drums, and chanting moves the Soul into a divine bliss and a whirlwind of emotion. Shamanic, mystical, and magical, John’s enthusiasm enthralls and elevates the Soul.

18 hours total weekend